[00:00.00] 暂无歌词
You&Me( Kor ver.)-尹美莱/ Junoflo
you and me 啊四拉四拉立撒一 woo~
闹哇 chemistry 嘎个那斗到(r) 聊
哦爱哈几按 kii 路海 gii 本他心高吗嫩带
怒嘎毛来斗 we just friends 亲古一桑一啊您带
you and me 啊(r) 的吗(r) 的谈撒一
外可老(r) 带一几 哈几吗蓝到海 那僧piu 中一 逃个聊
that‘s just my friend 啊您桥开把斗不要耐怒耐
that‘s just my friend 送giao 怕斗送 gii 素嘎熬 (b) 归外
that‘s just my that‘s just my that‘s just my friend
农那满把 挂他么你(b) 素里 大不拉嫩带 大怕几木太外
嘎 ten 五要你苗帮在 扫楼 nun 七满剖嫰带
一该啊您带 we‘ re not friends 亲古一桑一吗嫩带
you and me 你忙斗嘎特嘎
外可老 (r) 带一几 哈几吗蓝到海 那僧piu 中一 逃ger 聊
that‘s just my friend 啊您桥开把斗不要耐怒耐
that‘s just my friend 送giao 怕斗送 gii 素嘎熬 (b) 归外
that‘s just my that‘s just my that‘s just my friend
yeah girl i don ‘ t know why you playin like that yeah
男哈路中(r) 你 要啦满gii 大里嫩带 闹嫰外 他len 够四bou 够一嫩几
五林买一(r) 亲古要呀满哈嫰高你 yeah you know you got me like
body bag she got me dead i‘m like d**n that body bad
you my stunna winter spring fall summer
more than friends can i keep it one hunna
农叫带楼亲古楼按 bou 要 ong 摘不逃五里撒一嘎够要
熬里带 bou 动你某四比熬地嘎嫩几 why you playin what you sayin
that‘s just my friend 啊您桥开把斗不要耐怒耐
that‘s just my friend 送giao 怕斗送 gii 素嘎熬 (b) 归外
that‘s just my that‘s just my that‘s just my friend